Drops of Nectar from Mahabharat

Drops of Nectar from Mahabharat

Mahabharat analogy alike of human be,
We as humans ever fighting continually;

The war within between good & evil truly,
Krishna, the inherent divinity, unfailingly.

Vidur represents conscience undoubtedly,
Which be suppressed by strong negativity;

Krishna is the intellect, inherent divinity
Intellect judges right and wrong certainly.

Intellect adhering enabling good actions be,
Inner Kurukshetra is always active surely;

Our inner war (Kurukshetra) of thoughts be,
Reflects Karma kshetra, the actions only.

Kaurav awakens if realize not the divinity,
Blind ambition, ego, selfishness wins sadly;

If realizing Pandavs, goodness intellectually,
We leverage our positivity to be but happy.

Krishna the divinity is there in all surely,
But will you choose Him, your decision be.