Vidur Gita (Neeti) in English rhyme

Vidur Gita (Neeti) in English rhyme with original Sanskrit text

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Vidur Gita (Neeti) in English rhyme

Vidur Neeti, or Statecraft, a dialogue be,
Between Vidura and Dhritarashtra actually,
This includes how to have accountability,
Rejecting unethical path, its praise worthy.

With faith in self, revering all that good be,
Being wise, not drawn from the luxuries,
Wishing all prosperity, heart not on misery,
Caring for the fallen and who in distress be.

To virtue and ethics, as profits same gravity,
And ethical conduct over material gains be. 
Vidur wisdom part of the Udyoga Parva be,
Found in ancient Mahabharata - so hoary.