Lord Vishnu & Ma Lakshmi in English rhyme

Lord Vishnu & Ma Lakshmi in English rhyme with Sanskrit text

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    Book Lord Vishnu & Lakshmi covers their Primer, Mantras, Chalisa, Kavacha, Sahasranama, Stotra, Stuti, Arti, written in English rhyme with original text.

    ॐ-कारं लक्ष्मी-रुपं तु, विष्णुं हृदयमव्ययं।
    विष्णुमानन्दमव्यक्तं, ह्रीं-कारं बीज-रुपिणिम्॥
    She who is Om and who has the form of Lakshmi,
    Who is followed by Vishnu, gives him bliss fully,
    She who is clear and lucid without any impurities,
    She who has the shape of the sound Hreem truly.