Bholenath in English rhyme

Bholenath in English rhyme with Sanskrit text

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Bholenath covers the Primer, Mantras, Stuti, Stotras, Chalisa and Arti of Lord Bholenath (Shiv) written in English frhyme with their original text. 
It is also informative with regards to many of the famed temples of Lord Shiv.

त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव,त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव। 
त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमेव,त्वमेव सर्वम् मम देव देव॥
You my mother and father be, You are kin and friend to me, 
You my knowledge, wealth be, God of gods, You my all do be.